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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Final Compare and Contrast

In my final, I tried to keep a lot of the same elements used in the original Picasso, while making some changes to to the composition in order to correct some oversights. First, I expanded the color palette of the original, adding in more vibrant reds and blues, while keeping the earth tones of the original. I also tried to keep the simplistic structure and texturing of the original piece, with some minor expansions. I added a third dimension to my piece to give it more perspective than Picasso did. I did however try to stick to the roots of Picasso's stance with perspective by giving my two buildings a different vanishing point. This allows them to have an extra element of depth, while keeping with the unorthodox, differing perspectives implemented by Picasso. I also tried to give the composition more unity, by balancing the structures along the lines of thirds of my composition. I also think the solid background color I laid down first does a good job of unifying all the elements, as opposed to the original, where the elements run together. Overall, I tried to keep the basic elements Picasso used, while expanding them in a new direction to achieve a smilier, yet in some regards, vastly different composition. 

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