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Friday, March 6, 2015

Objective Critique

Summer Village Landscape is a form of Naive Art (Primitivism) created by Pablo Picasso in the Neoclassicist & Surrealist Period of the 1920's. This composition favors implied shapes and chroma of earth colors. Picasso relies heavily on implied shapes in this piece, such as adding color to the buildings, but not giving them any definite outline. The same happens with the multitude of trees and other objects. This acts to blend the various objects together, giving the piece a good sense of rhythm and movements, as your eyes will flow from one object into another. The piece relies on earth-based colors and indulges in varying values of a few, simple colors. Overall, this composition doesn't focus on details of minutia, but rather allows the viewer to fill in the missing gaps. This allows for a variety of different opinions and emotions to be exhibited when viewed by the audience.

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